
Big News!

I have been absent from this little blog I adore for quite some time. If you are reading this, thanks for stopping by. I hope to back to posting more frequently and getting back in to the blogging world. 

We have had some excitement in the past few months in our family. We recently moved into our new home. We have been looking for over a year and this was the home we kept coming back to over and over again. This is our forever home. Where we can picture of kids growing up, parties in the backyard, many holidays and lots and lots of love. We are excited to be here!  

I will be sharing tips I learned through the moving process. And fun, new organizational ideas because I have more space to organize in the new place! Yay! I also plan to share my adventure of decorating this house and making it our home. The twins are in their own rooms for the first time and want girl and boy specific rooms. Plus this house has a pool. It is something I am still adjusting to, but I think we will enjoy it once we feel we have all safety precautions in place. So there will be pool party posts for sure! 

And last but definitely not least . . .  We are THINKING PINK! We are expecting a little girl late this summer and are thrilled to add a new bundle of love to our family. I can't wait to share the excitement of planning the nursery and preparing for another little one as we get closer to the big day. 

Happy Blogging! 

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